You can have multiple images collected together, as you can see here! A neat trick for comics!
2008! Wow, half my life ago, as of this writing in 2024. Be forewarned here's some edgy, irony-poisoned teenager-isms in here (I was 14/15 in 2008), along with the regrettable looming spectre of Terf Supreme's boy wizard books. Reading these entries, I can tell this was an age when I'd already begun to experience some symptoms of depression... poor kiddo.
I -do- hope I'm using the phrase milquetoast correctly.
...And if you're looking for a cartoon character, you're outta luck. I got this phrase from somewhere, and it stuck in my head as describing blandiose undertakings.
And I, being the ultimate blaguer, snapped it up.
Anyway, lucky duckies, this is actually a video game blog.
Currently it's a Final Fantasy Tactics Advance blog.
Feel lucky, duckies. Or someone might smash a mirror on your frowning face.
I'm done bloviating for now, but blissful silence lasts not long.
I'm a slut for tactical RPGs. I guess that's what you'd call them.
I'm talking about games with battle sytems like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
One such game I've played like this is called Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure.
Like I said, I'm a slut for this style of battle system.
So, any games like these other than the ones with Tactics in the name?
I mean, other than Disgaea. I know about Disgaea. I want to play Disgaea. But I need more obscure games to snatch up.
Now excuse me while my cheap-ass Paladin-With-Double-Sword-And-Ninja-Tabi kills off yet another swarm of Clan Hound's jagd-obsessed bastards.
I started up a new game on my copy of Pokemon Diamond. Since I play my true gender (female) on Pearl, I figured I should try playing as a guy.
If only 'cuz I wanted to name myself Stratus. I like that name.
Anyway, I picked a Turtwig as a starter, 'cuz I hate the Piplup line and I always pick Chimchar.
Burn them all, Chimchar!
Anyway, I got a Turtwig with relatively decent stats and named 'im Tiberius. At level 6 he took out a level 2 Starly in one hit with Tackle (probably a crit-hit, but I wasn't paying attention) and prompted me to write this entry.
'Cuz for a D/P starter, OHKOing something with Tackle at level 6 is friggin' sweet, even if it's a level 2 Starly.
So Stratus and his pal Tibs (erh, Tiberius) are on the way to Jubilife to give that blonde rival kid (I think I named him Cumulus) a package from his mummy.
Hijinks will surely ensue. Now excuse me while Tibby the Turtwig and I go put some random pokemon's head on a flaming spike. 'Cuz them Bidoofs look like they's worshippin' Chrissy-anity, and since Pokemon has it's own deity and shit now I have an excuse to smite them heathens.
Hm, maybe Tiberius is a better suited name for a Chimchar.
(insert snarky comment about Kefka ruling all here)
(insert poorly conceived rant on how Final Fantasy VI is the best Final Fantasy)
(insert epiphany of own lameosity and self-depreciating comments)
(insert statement that despite own lameosity Final Fantasy VI is still the best)
(insert meme)
(insert another rant about Kefka or something)
(insert meme)
(insert witty closing statement and/or meme)
I think I may have actually been going insane when I played that part of Threads of Fate. I've had this game for years, but I never progressed.
I finally beat that bit yesterday, though. I dunno how. I did.
I might have fainted if I wasn't too busy getting my ass to a place to save the game. And staring at Fancy Mel. Damn, she has some neat shoes. Not as neat as Mint's of course, but they're pointy. I can appreciate pointy shoes.
And then I realized I'll have to do it all again when I play through as Rue.
I love Final Fantasy music.
Especially the remixes made by The Black Mages and the folks at Overclocked.
...I love that name!
I recommend 'Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past' and anything by Minnionette and Dust Traveler. Or Farla.
Hoshi-tachi is a bit of a gamble.
..Oh, yeah, and I'm a freak for reading Harry Potter fanfiction at FF.Net and finding some of it halfway decent.
I hate World of Warcraft.
Why is it still on my computer?
..Because I'm fucking ADDICTED, that's why...
..Well, more accurately, my grandpa is addicted.
GFs are addicting.
Hit monster once. Use Card. Miss. Use Card again. Collect AP. Refine card. Rinse and repeat.
Draw new magic. Draw more of it. Junction. Refine it. Draw more to refine. Junction.
..That's pretty much how my days have went the last coupl'a.
...That I learned from Robert Heinlein.
1. Lazarus Long is ugly.
2. Old people are awesome.
3. Did I mention Lazarus Long is ugly?
4. Artificial Intelligences are always fucking awesome.
5. The Moon is a better place to live than Earth.
6. In fact, any planet is better.
7. If your name is Howard, you're going to live a long time. A really long time.
8. Seriously, a really really long time.
9. Lazarus Long is still ugly, you know.
10. One-armed computer mechanics are awesome.
11. They walk dogs, too.
12. My head hurts. I'll think of more later. Wait, I've got one -
13. Lazarus Long is ugly.
I just managed to kill Balfrog.
With the Bubbler only.
From now on, that is that only weapon I'm using ever.
Just imagine. Ballos getting killed via bubbles.
It will be fun.
Also, the counter will probably break because I'll take so long.
But does that matter?
Because I only ever do things for the helluvit.
I have a TEGAKI!
I hast been tagged by now I suppose I must.
[x] gotten kissed (now, how MUCH of a kiss? My answer varies depending...)
[ ] gotten a phone taken away in class (I don't even own a phone. xD)
[ ] gotten suspended (NEV4R.)
[ ] gotten caught chewing gum (Heehee...nope!)
[ ] gotten caught cheating on a test (Me, cheat?) :iconoffendedplz:
Total so far: 1
[ ] arrived late to class more than 5 times (MM..nope.)
[x] didn't do homework over 5 times (I've set the record, I'll wager.)
[ ] turned at least 3 projects in late (Late? No. Not at all? Yes.)
[x] missed school just because you felt like it (Well, shyeah.)
[ ] laughed so loud you got kicked out of class (Nuh-uh.)
Total so far: 3
[x] got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school (=D Yup!)
[ ] text people during class (I've never sent a text. Ever.) :iconlameplz:
[ ] passed notes (Nope. I have had whispered conversations though.)
[ ] threw stuff across the room
[ ] laughed at the teacher (I'm too busy thinking about Chrono Trigger to pay attention to some silly teacher's faults!)
Total so far: 4
[ ] been in a fight at school, fist or verbal
[x] took pictures during school hours (With mein camera. Of nearly everthing.)
[x] called someone during school hours (Mummy. Once. To come fetch me THIS INSTANT THEY'RE DRIVING ME INSANE.)
[ ] listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours (I've played on my laptop during lunch though. xD)
[ ] skipped a class period
Total So Far: 6
[ ] threw something at the teacher
[ ] went outside the classroom without permission
[ ] broke the dress code (I'm always wearing trench coats, but I've walked by the principal and all he did was make a Matrix joke.)
[x] failed a class
[x] ate food during class (we can!)
Total So Far: 8
[x] gotten a call from school (Because the teacher thought I was skipping class. When I was in the classroom. Uhm stupid much?)
[ ] couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly (Only in grade school...and that wasn't mein fault I swear! And since this says TEEN life...)
[x] didn't take your stuff to school (Do you mean the whole backpack or just some stuff? I forget little things all the time.)
[ ] given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking (NEV4R! xD)
[x] curse during class/school (I always surprise people when I do for some reason...)
total so far: 10
[ ] faked your parents signature (All the time when I was little, but not once since I got to High School.)
[x] slept in class (Hey, BCIS can get boring once you've done it all...)
[ ] cursed at your teacher
[ ] copied homework
[ ] got in trouble with the principal-the vice principal (Only when I was little, and this was the craziest principal ever. And I had to put up with him for like..five years. >.< )
total So Far: 11
So, what, that's one third?
Save them? ==>
The red one I vill be naming Vonnes.
The violet vill be referred to as... Villes.
The stone one vill be MacBeth, and we vill attend Theatre often.
And the black one vill be Veronica.
Please, help in this quest to realize my dream of terrorizing thespians.
2009 had ups and downs. I got to spend the summer with someone I love dearly, but I also spent a lot of it very, very profoundly lonely. I retreated a lot from every day life into the net (mostly on tegaki, which I'm still working on digging up relics from), and often got some 'mysterious' burns from... falling asleep with my computer sitting on me, eek. In retrospect, not attending a high school with peers at that age was pretty rough on me, since I already lived somewhere isolated.
I figured it out, I figured it out~
I've had this idea in my head for an alien species called the Yuxian. I've been drawing them for at least a year, but never really worked out 'how' they work.
Bing, I had an 'AHA!' moment today.
So I might actually start posting stuff with them up here soon. I just got to... work it out some more.
So close but so far.
Also, I must be a masochist making myself like that game I'm playing. When I first got it I reacted with revulsion, but now I've started to like it...if not the graphics...
EDIT: Did I say today? I meant in the middle of the night.
HEEHEE! I'm all jittery from coffee and no sleep. This is when I have alllll my best ideas. =0 Really!
>=O ALL HAIL THE COFFEE EMPIRE. :iconcoffeeplz:
Yup, I'm a big Yume Nikki fan. I'm a Rule of Rose fan, too... So Yeah.
Anyone else ever found 'Super Chair Mode?'
Go into the dream world. Get in the desk chair. Be sure to be turned -toward- the desk... and then press Z/Enter.
I guess if anyone wants to do a 'Super Hard' playthrough, this would be it. It's as slow as (if not slower than) Severed Head form to roll around in the chair, and it's available from the start of the game, So Yay.
However you can't open the menu while riding the chair, your only option is to slowly roll everywhere or wake up. Probably can't finish the game like this... Or Can You? I don't know. I haven't took any Levels in Badass yet, so I don't have the dedication to find out.
...this update brought to you by Yume Nikki and the TV Tropes Wiki.
I'll be putting up some screenshots (in scraps) for my 'adventures.' I might make a blog. If only because I could then obsess over 'Sleepy-tan' the Lone Igloo Village Girl (what's HER fan name, by the way?)
Mmkay, I've been ranting.
To continue my earlier chair findings, I have realized you don't have to exit the dream to escape the chair - you can simply put it back at the desk and proceed as normal.
The quest-ion is, is there anywhere else in the game you can put the chair? Cart it there (oooooh so slowly) and maybe see something cool?
Oh, and that bicycle speed boost glitch?
It works with all the other powers. You don't get AS fast, but you go faster than normal.
Experiment with it~
I've found the 'alternate hair styles' can be activated along with this extra speed by performing the glitch with said power, and sitting down then standing. Madotsuki's hair will be changed to that power's.
Oh, and try it with the flute. Musical aerobics, man.
Things I'll miss...
The park and the ball field, and loitering there.
Teaching each other card games, then inventing new ones.
Drawing pictures to pay for bets.
Playing a game, and making up new ridiculous plots to go with it.
The ramen.
Your microwave.
Your cute cats.
Watching that raccoon eat your cute cats' food while they just stare.
The bucketfuls of soda I downed.
Slogging through a marsh after frogs, & leaving empty-handed and muddy.
Beating Shadow of the Colossus together.
That shaky adrenaline fighting Malus the first time.
Trying to stay up all night and failing every time.
Leaving on the start screen of Phantom Brave just for the music.
Pancakes.. and Muffin.
That ladder I kept pushing over.
"The Nest." AKA That Thing On Top Of The Bed.
Realizing slasher films weren't scary, just boring.
My kidneys being healthy. Remember all that soda?
Dishwashing. ...rinsing. Okay, gotta apologize for that one.
Your awesome shower. ...Seriously.
Learning to ride a bike. ...sort of.
Running away from runaway fireworks.
Trying to take pictures of the moon with my shaky hands.
Singing Bohemian Rhapsody in the car. And knowing the whole thing.
Learning s'more of American Pie. Next time, teach me the next bit!
You putting up with my bad taste in music.
Your letter.
Getting back into cartoons.
That noise... that Chris made... ahahahaHAH. xD
Quoting Kefka and someone actually knowing it.
Choosing sides for Destroy Build Destroy.
Holy smokes, was that a tank?!
Meeting Banana's, eh, descendant, Zucchini.
Somebunny misses you... eheh... heheheh...-snicker-
Watching Ratatou... oh, wait...
Playing G..o...hey, WAIT A TICK...
Dude, next time I swear, I'll make you play that game with me.
Your hug phobia.
Your Roxas obsession.
Kicking Xion off the clock tower.
The seizure inducing notebooks.
Tripping over that one spot. Every other day. ..yeah, I miss that.
Six Flags was kickin' rad, too, I guess. ; )
Things I Won't Miss...
Your smoker's cough. Even though you don't smoke.
How bratty I was to you..
...The biscuits.
So. Health status is low.
Seriously, I think my immune system is taking a holiday. My face has decided to scab up ( DON'T wanna know), my nose is clogged, and in the last two minutes as I type this a rash has decided to form on my right forearm.
-Matchy used Full Restore!
-It had no effect.
Oh yeah and copious pills are not working either D8>
~~~~Coolio meme stolen from :iconthat-tall-kid: for the lulz. In other news, I found a neat site called Kingdom of Knuffel.
1. Put Your iTunes/iPod/Music player on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets/parentheses after the song name.
5. Tag at least 10 friends. (wait wat I don't even have ten friends xD)
6. Anyone tagged has to do the same, because fun pointlessness spreads like a virus.
How would you describe yourself?
What do you like in a guy/girl?
Kinda Green
How do you feel today?
You're Not Here
What is your life’s purpose?
Princess Sakuya's Theme
What is your motto?
02 – Aura's Theme
What do your friends think of you?
A Monster's Presence
What do you think of your parents?
Red Helmet's Extermination
What do you think about very often?
Twin Devils – Moshirechik and Kotanechik's Extermination
What is 2 + 2?
What do you think of your best friend?
What do you think of the person you like?
Organization XIII
What is your life story?
Ten In One
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Hanasaki Valley
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
A Messenger From Behind ~ Battle With the Colossus
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Level Clear
What will they play at your funeral?
Uneternal Sleep
What is your hobby/interest?
Light and Shadow
What is your biggest fear?
A Fight to the Death
What is your biggest secret?
Revival of the Ancients
What do you think of your friends?
The Extreme
What will you post this as?
Battle in the Labyrinth City
So our neighbor Bruce was mowing the lawn awful close to our side of the property line. And by awfully close I mean that was our friggin' grass.
And, naturally, in our friggin' grass is our friggin' cable that our friggin' internet, phone, and television provider was too lazy to put underground.
So Bruce ran over the cable, and it came out looking like someone had run it through a lawnmower or something. Which someone had.
Dammit, Bruce.
So we lost internet all of yesterday and most of today. There may have been weeping, I admit nothing.
So I'm supposed to be keeping a journal for a week.. it's on an openoffice doc on my comp, but I can't think of anything to say in it other than stream of consciousness crap and putting in a billion pieces of clipart. Or I could bitch in that entry how hard it is to write said entry.
..and so I was led to make a journal entry about how hard it is to make a journal entry about how hard it is to...
1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 10 people and post their icons on the same journal. (lolno)
4. Go to their pages and send a message saying you tagged them.
5. No tag-backs.
1. I lend out things a lot, but every time I always get paranoid until I get it back.
2. I didn't always need glasses. But I pretty much killed my eyes xD
3. Of all the strange names I use, I'm attached to my real one least.
4. I really reallyyyyyy suck at most video games. Doesn't stop me from playing.
5. I'd take beef jerky over ice cream any day. Well... unless it was Haagen Das. Then I'd think a bit, but if the jerky is Jack Links I'd be on that stuff like... something that was hungry... on something that tastes nice...
6. I like writing, but I just can't seem to do it decently anymore.
7. I like making comics, and I seem to be getting better at them. 8D
8. My favorite Disgaea character will ALWAYS be Tink.
9. Phantom Brave is the only game where I've wanted to go into the game and punch somebody in the face. 'Somebody' hereby meaning 'most of the characters that appear in the first act of the game.'
10. I like swords.
I ttly tag the first ten people to read this. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
I've been really down lately. My friend Jonathan came over for Thanksgiving, and I was happy then, but as soon as he left I got depressed again. I am such a clingy lil bitch.
I really hate country life now... I just want somebody to talk to, and that's kinda hard to do with my granparents. And I feel bad if I bitch a lot to my online friends...
I need to get out of this house. There's nobody here for me to talk to, except maybe Stella's kids, but I'd feel really weird just going up to their house after I've lived here this long!
Every day is a waste out here.. I feel like I'm dying by inches. This kinda of thing isn't like me, either. I'm not gloomy natured.
I'd call Jonathan, but his phone was turned off. I'd call Sarah, but she's probably asleep. I'd ask granma to help me join a club or something, but we don't have the money to go anywhere. I'd play video games, but then I'd feel lonely doing THAT, too. I'd draw, but I can't do that very well at all lately. I'd write, but right now it'd just come out emotastic, just like this jounrnal entry.